Establish a rule that homework is done the night before
Have your child list the challenges they face in the morning such as: sharing the bathroom, getting dressed, having breakfast, remembering lunch, backpack and getting to the bus on time.
Help your child come up with a plan for dealing with challenges – the slow mover may need to wake up 15 minutes earlier
Pick out clothes and make lunch the night before
Remind your child to get homework into backpacks
The bedtime routine includes a winding-down time with NO TV
Stick to a regular bedtime, alerting your child 30 minutes and 10 minutes beforehand
Make sure your child gets enough sleep
6 to 9 year olds need at least 10 hours of sleep
10 to 12 years old need at least 9+ hours of sleep
Set the alarm clock early enough to start the day calmly
Your child should go to bed at the same time every night and wake up at the same time every morning
In the morning
Wake up before your child
Start the day with calmness and hugs instead of yelling or threats to get your child out of bed – do not tell your child they're pokey, lazy, crabby, whiny, disorganized or any other labels.
Eat breakfast - it is the most important meal of the day – it’s brain food!
Head out of the house early enough to arrive at school on time!